You may have seen Draxler’s striking artwork adorning recent albums by Daughters and Poppy. Steeped in black-and-white, his work is stark and uncompromising. Reigning Cement certainly bears his artistic stamp, with stark photographs of cop cars, crumbling cityscapes, and urban melancholy adorning pages within the book. For the music, he gave each artist the same 34 sonic elements with which to make a song. All of the root assets were recorded on an iPhone in an industrial area outside Draxler’s LA studio, compiled over a four year span. Among the sounds captured: concrete saws, jackhammers, trains, trucks, building alarms, construction sites – general noise.

Album: Reigning Cement
Record Label: Federal Prisoner
Year: 2020
Download: Bandcamp
Press: Consequence of Sound, Revolver Mag